Teeth Regeneration and Regrowth 2025: Current Research and Future Treatments
There are way too many breakthrough news (mostly containing useless phrases like No more dental fillings!) all over the web, so we have decided to put together a single page with all current and upcoming state-of-the-art treatments that will revolutionize dentistry. We believe that this page is the most comprehensive and most frequently updated summary on the entire web, period. This article will always be a work in progress with constant updates - so far this page has been updated over 70 times making it a reliable and always up-to-date source of information on future dental treatments. If you have information on any new research or discoveries that are not…
Enamel repair – regeneration and regrowth
This article is under development, please check back later for more information. Please note that this article is on enamel treatments of the future and does not focus on remineralization. What is enamel? Tooth enamel is the hard, outermost layer of the tooth. It’s the hardest substance in the human body and protects the teeth from the wear and tear of chewing and grinding food. The enamel is made up of microscopic crystals of a hard, mineral substance called hydroxyapatite. It’s what gives teeth their characteristic white color. Over time, the enamel can become worn down, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities. It’s important to take good care…