Easing Toothache: Top 10 Effective Pain Relief Strategies for Tooth Pain
Ever been kept awake by a throbbing tooth or found yourself wincing at the cold touch of ice cream? Toothaches, ranging from mild discomfort to severe pain, are a common issue that many people deal with. But don’t worry, we’ve got a roadmap to guide you through the landscape of toothache pain relief. Key Takeaways Understanding toothaches involves identifying the cause and seeking professional care. Over-the-counter medications, cold compresses, elevating the head at night, numbing gels/ointments & rinsing techniques can provide temporary relief from pain. Good oral hygiene & seeing a dentist are recommended for prevention & treatment of continuous toothache. Understanding Toothaches Toothaches are a result of irritation to…
Why Painkillers Aren’t Working for My Toothache?
This article is a part of our Q&A series in which we give detailed answers to our readers' questions. Have a question? Don't hesitate and send it to us to get a detailed answer! Toothaches can be highly unpleasant and sometimes debilitating. People often turn to painkillers as the first line of defense against toothache. However, there are instances when painkillers seem to have little to no effect. We explain why painkillers might not work for a toothache and explores alternative measures and solutions. Understanding Toothaches Before delving into why painkillers might not be effective, it’s important to understand what causes toothaches. Toothaches can be attributed to various factors, including:…
Tooth Pain, Dental Pain and Toothache – What to Do?
There are many questions regarding tooth pain so we have decided to write a detailed guide on how to manage different types of toothache. Please check back soon, because once it’s ready it will cover all the topics related to tooth pain. Pain after tooth cleaning Painful teeth after cleaning It is common to experience pain or discomfort after a tooth cleaning, also known as a dental prophylaxis. During a tooth cleaning, your dentist or dental hygienist will use special instruments to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. This can cause some discomfort, especially if you have sensitive teeth or gums. Additionally, your mouth may be sore…