Conditions,  Health

Mouth Breathing vs Nose Breathing at Night, Face Shape Ruined, Effects, Tape, in Children

Mouth breathing, a common yet often overlooked condition, refers to the habit of breathing through your mouth instead of your nose. While mouth breathing may seem harmless, it can have profound effects on dental, facial, and general health, especially when it becomes a chronic condition. Mouth breathing in children is particularly concerning as it can influence dentofacial and craniofacial development, leading to dental malocclusion and altered facial structure. In adults, it can exacerbate sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea and contribute to other symptoms like dry mouth and bad breath.

Key Facts

  • Mouth breathing refers to inhaling and exhaling primarily through the mouth instead of the nose
  • It can occur due to habit, nasal congestion, or underlying health conditions
  • Mouth breathing is common among children but can affect people of all ages
  • It can lead to oral health issues, sleep disturbances, and changes in facial development
  • Interventions may include behavioral therapy, medications, and in some cases, surgery

What’s the Difference Between Breathing Through My Nose or My Mouth?

Breathing can occur through the nose or mouth, but these two methods are not the same.

  • Nasal Breathing: When you breathe through your nose, the air is warmed, humidified, and filtered by the nasal passages. This is considered the body’s natural and most effective way of receiving oxygen.
  • Mouth Breathing: In contrast, mouth breathing allows air to bypass the nasal passages, leading to colder and drier air entering the lungs. It does not filter impurities as effectively as nasal breathing.

Generally, nasal breathing is preferable because it has various physiological benefits and promotes better oxygenation of the blood.

Who’s Affected by Mouth Breathing?

Mouth breathing can affect individuals of all ages, but it is particularly common among children. Some individuals may mouth breathe temporarily due to a nasal congestion from allergies or a cold, while others might adopt it as a chronic habit. Certain factors that might predispose an individual to mouth breathing include:

  • Allergies
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Nasal polyps
  • Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
  • Deviated nasal septum
  • Facial bone structure

Implications of Mouth Breathing: How Does Mouth Breathing Affect People?

Mouth breathing can have various adverse effects on health and development:

  • Dental Health: It can cause dry mouth, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The lack of saliva, which helps keep the mouth clean, can also affect tooth enamel.
  • Facial Development: In children, chronic mouth breathing can affect the development of the face. It may result in a longer, narrower face, a smaller lower jaw, and other orthodontic issues.
  • Respiratory Issues: Breathing through your mouth can bypass the natural filtering system of the nasal cavity, potentially leading to increased incidences of respiratory infections.
  • Sleep Quality: Mouth breathing during sleep is often associated with snoring and may increase the risk of sleep apnea, a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. This can lead to poor sleep quality and fatigue.
  • Decreased Athletic Performance: Mouth breathing can cause decreased oxygen levels which can affect athletic performance.
  • Systemic Health Effects: Chronic mouth breathing may alter body temperature regulation and affect the sympathetic nervous system. It can also impact blood vessels and bronchial tubes.

Is It Bad to Be a Mouth Breather?

Mouth breathing can be detrimental, especially if it is a chronic condition. It’s associated with oral health problems, sleep disturbances, and changes in facial development. Moreover, it can lead to insufficient oxygen supply which may affect cognitive function and concentration.
It’s important to identify the underlying causes of mouth breathing and address them appropriately. Treatment may include medications to relieve nasal congestion, using aids to promote nasal breathing (like nasal strips), practicing breathing exercises, and, in some cases, surgery for anatomical abnormalities.
If you or your child is experiencing chronic mouth breathing, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider to understand the underlying causes and receive appropriate treatment. Understanding the importance of nasal breathing and taking steps to promote it can significantly improve quality of life and general health.

What Causes Mouth Breathing?

Several factors can lead to mouth breathing, with nasal obstruction being a primary cause. This obstruction can arise from conditions like chronic rhinitis, sinus infection, enlarged adenoids, or swollen tonsils. In some cases, structural abnormalities in the nasal cavity or nasal airway can also contribute to the difficulty breathing through the nose.
Most common causes of you breathing throught your mouth include:

  • Nasal Congestion: Allergies, colds, or sinus infections can lead to nasal congestion, making it difficult to breathe through the nose
  • Enlarged Tonsils or Adenoids: These can block the nasal passages, particularly in children
  • Deviated Septum: An uneven division between the two nostrils can restrict airflow in one or both nostrils
  • Nasal Polyps: Small growths in the nasal passages can obstruct airflow
  • Chronic Respiratory Infections: Repeated infections can lead to mouth breathing
  • Habit: Some people may develop mouth breathing as a habit, often initiated by a temporary condition like nasal congestion

What are Mouth Breathing Symptoms?

Mouth breathing may be associated with a variety of symptoms including:

  • Dry Mouth: Mouth breathers often wake up with a dry mouth and bad breath
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Mouth breathing during sleep can lead to snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
  • Orthodontic Issues: Children who mouth breathe may develop orthodontic problems such as a high palate, crowded teeth, and an elongated face
  • Speech Problems: Mouth breathing can affect the tongue’s position and lead to speech issues, such as a lisp
  • Frequent Respiratory Infections: Mouth breathers may be more prone to respiratory infections
  • Fatigue: Poor sleep quality associated with mouth breathing can cause fatigue
  • How do Healthcare Providers Diagnose Mouth Breathing?

    To diagnose mouth breathing, healthcare professionals may conduct a physical examination and review symptoms as well as analyze detailed medical history. The lip seal test, where one assesses the ability to comfortably keep the mouth closed, can be an indicative tool. Additionally, sleep medicine specialists may evaluate for conditions like obstructive sleep apnea in mouth breathing children and adults.
    The healthcare provider may:

    • Observe Breathing Patterns: The provider will observe the patient’s typical breathing pattern.
    • Examine the Nose and Throat: A physical examination of the nose and throat can help to identify any obstructions or abnormalities.
    • Discuss Symptoms and Medical History: Talking about symptoms and history can sometimes reveal the causes of mouth breathing.

    What Tests do Healthcare Providers Do to Diagnose Mouth Breathing?

    In some cases, additional tests might be necessary to diagnose the underlying cause of mouth breathing:

    • Imaging: X-rays or other imaging can help to see the structures in the nasal passages and throat. For instance, this might reveal a deviated septum or enlarged adenoids.
    • Allergy Testing: If allergies are suspected as the cause, allergy tests may be performed.
    • Sleep Study: In cases where sleep apnea is suspected, a sleep study might be conducted to monitor breathing patterns during sleep.

    Diagnosis and testing are crucial steps in effectively treating mouth breathing and improving overall health. If you suspect you or someone you know is affected by chronic mouth breathing, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider.

    How Do Healthcare Providers Treat Mouth Breathing?

    The treatment for mouth breathing depends on the underlying cause.
    Some common treatments include:

    • Nasal Decongestants and Antihistamines: If allergies or nasal congestion are causing mouth breathing, medications such as nasal decongestants and antihistamines can help clear the nasal passages.
    • Adenoidectomy or Tonsillectomy: In children, enlarged adenoids or tonsils can block the airway. In such cases, a surgery to remove the adenoids or tonsils may be recommended.
    • Nasal Steroids: For chronic inflammation in the nasal passages, nasal steroids may be prescribed to reduce swelling and improve airflow.
    • Orthodontic Treatment: Orthodontic appliances, such as braces or palatal expanders, can help correct structural issues in the mouth and jaw that contribute to mouth breathing.
    • Breathing Exercises and Therapy: Breathing exercises and therapy can help retrain the body to breathe through the nose.

    Can Mouth Breathing Be Prevented?

    Prevention of mouth breathing involves addressing the underlying causes:

    • Maintain Good Nasal Hygiene: Regular nasal rinses can help to keep the nasal passages clear.
    • Manage Allergies: Proper management of allergies with medications or lifestyle adjustments can prevent nasal congestion.
    • Promote Nasal Breathing: Encourage the habit of nasal breathing from a young age, and be conscious of your own breathing patterns.

    How Can I Prevent Mouth Breathing as an Adult?

    As an adult, you can take steps to reduce or prevent mouth breathing by:

    • Practicing Breathing Exercises: Practicing techniques like diaphragmatic breathing can help train yourself to breathe through your nose.
    • Using a Humidifier: Keeping the air moist can help keep nasal passages clear.
    • Avoiding Allergens and Irritants: Stay away from substances that you are allergic to or that can irritate the respiratory tract.

    What Can I Expect If I Have/My Child Has This Condition?

    If not addressed, chronic mouth breathing can lead to various health issues, including dental problems, sleep disorders, and compromised facial development in children. However, with proper treatment and management, it is possible to transition to nasal breathing and alleviate the symptoms and complications associated with mouth breathing.

    Bottom Line

    Mouth breathing can be a symptom of underlying health issues and can have consequences on dental health and overall well-being. Identifying the cause of mouth breathing and seeking appropriate treatment is crucial. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. With proper management, individuals who experience mouth breathing can often transition to healthier nasal breathing patterns.

    This article is complete and was published on July 15, 2023, and last updated on January 28, 2024.

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